[EN] Due to registration on the forum, do not use google (aka gmail), european and other garbage email services. Our mail does not go to there trash mails. Use alternative mail systems. This is the result of sanctions against Russia.
[RU] При регистрации не используйте gmail. На эту помойку наша почта не ходит и регистрация не будет завершена полностью.
No no i joined a server and left and then i join another server then this server pops up (STEAM validation rejected)
i used the terminal because i couldn't see any servers on the server list
also the console errors|
Name Enabler for new engine successfully loaded.
Author: killer666
ICQ: 496886793
Usage: setname <name>
maxplayers set to 32
Steam config directory: Q:\Day of Defeat Source\DOD\Day of Defeat Source\platform\config
CClientSteamContext logged on = 1
Type teleport_countdown_screen of meta class teleport_countdown_screen undefined!
MetaClass missing for teleport_countdown_screen
Hud element 'CHudWeapon' doesn't have an entry 'HudWeapon' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHudHDRDemo' doesn't have an entry 'HudHDRDemo' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHudFilmDemo' doesn't have an entry 'HudHDRDemo' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHUDAutoAim' doesn't have an entry 'HUDAutoAim' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHudGeiger' doesn't have an entry 'HudGeiger' in scripts/HudLayout.res
sv_pure set to -1.
exec <filename>: execute a script file
Can't use cheat cvar fog_start in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.
Can't use cheat cvar fog_end in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.
Can't use cheat cvar fog_startskybox in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.
Can't use cheat cvar fog_endskybox in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.
Can't use cheat cvar r_farz in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.
CClientSteamContext OnSteamServersConnected logged on = 1
CClientSteamContext OnSteamServersConnected logged on = 1
] connect
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Connecting to
STEAM validation rejected
] connect
Connecting to
STEAM validation rejected