Protest a ban

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Protest a ban

Post by AnastasF1 »

Nick: Anastas
Steam ID: steamid : steamid : [G:1:4705598] (85568392924745022)
server: Bruss's CS Source DM/GG Server #1
Time: Around CET17:30 10/10/2023
Map: Italy
Reason: I dont know why i was banned. I dont use cheat and play just for funny. During the game I changed teem. I changed just bcs it was not going ok. One persone was speaking to me but i dont understand Russian. I told him that. Ater 1 min, I was banned. I dont think that it was wrong as the server is more for an individual play than a group play.
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Re: Protest a ban

Post by Moco26 »

Hi. I've played on Bruss servers for my whole life since childhood, and now I get banned for no reason. I NEVER EVER cheated and you betray my trust. Why? Hopefully this can get resolved.

Nick: Моцо26
SteamID: 76561198272306822
Server: Bruss's CS Source DM/GG Server #2
Time: About 16:00
Map: gg_toad
Demo link: ... g_toad.dem

You can check the whole demo and I don't know what is it that deserved me a ban. Thanks in advance, kind regards,
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Re: Protest a ban

Post by BOSNIA »

You can record your game with the FREE PROGRAM "FRAPS" and show evidence of an unfair ban.
Otherwise don't cry please.
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Re: Protest a ban

Post by dURka[iT2] »

Обоим бан на форуме. Денге - месяц, Данаез - неделя. Достали уже...
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Re: Protest a ban

Post by ☆Rαngσ »

bosna ti si idiot,nisu igraci koje ti nazivas idiotima,banuj koga oces al nemoj da vredjas druge ljude
samo cu da kazem da serveri propadaju zbog admina kao sto si ti,imas 60 god matora drtino i ovo radis ponasas se kao klinac od 13-14 god
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Stevo Djubre
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Re: Protest a ban

Post by Stevo Djubre »

hello Durka, I have a question, why am I banned?
can i get an explanation where did you see wh on that demo you watched who sent you the fool who when someone kills him 2-3 times immediately says voteban?
does that mean that if someone a little better than the "good players" joins this server, it counts as cheating?
you somehow saw me as a cheater (I still don't understand how, but okay) while I consider myself someone who doesn't know how to play simply.
and CSS-Player85 (I won't tell him his name, but I know who he is) calls this a "professional game" and this is far from it, because if he had seen a real professional game, he wouldn't say such nonsense, he doesn't see the mistakes I make during the game, but I don't blame him I see that he started to play the game yesterday (although he has been playing cs longer than me, but he probably spent most of his time playing against bots). I think he considers himself one of the best players on this server and I believe that when he enters he considers himself a professional server because when someone better than him comes along (well, how, it's impossible etc etc).
and I'm sorry that I deviated from the topic about him, but I hope that when you see the message, you will write to me how you saw wh and explain why you consider it wh.
I hope for a quick reply
Best regards, Stevo Djubre
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Re: Protest a ban

Post by Stevo Djubre »

]and I left it out, you ban slightly better players than these on this server, and you dont ban(permanent) Ziya Ozkoc, who whenever he comes in, he might play a little and if he doesn't like he has chance to wins, he starts harassing his teammates, and it's been like that for years, even though you banned him but who knows how many times and for how long
And again
With best regards Stevo Djubre
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