Protest a ban
Moderators: dURka[iT2], kuzjmich, Kamaxa
Re: Protest a ban
ye i forgot that u banned my pops for nothing after u teamattacked him and u banned him for teamattack and other day u banned him for 1 day for teamattack cuz he shooted on u by ancident and later u changed that to 30 mins here is todays demo ... desert.dem and reason if "teamattack"and if u see he didnt even attacked him while he was on his team and my pops have problem with sound and ik danaez speaks on mic all time but he didnt heard him and u told me that shame on you father idk wdym by that why u banned and me and him multiple times to show ur fucking power on server for what to be scared of u?never not in 1 milion yr
Re: Protest a ban
Папа твой забанен за тим килл.Он увидел что в админа стреляет и вкурил сразу что не прав.А тебе я повторять не будуюТы читер .И не надо под папеным ником заходить.Ятвоего отца по стилю игры узнаю.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:17 pm
Re: Protest a ban
Goks, Rango, so many nick names and so many STEAM acc with evidence that u r a cheater. On all others servers u can be anything u want but on this u r in the right place, there and where you need to be thanks to Danez, banned.
Re: Protest a ban
okay so thats telling me that u banned me just cuz am better then u and bhop am doing is not cheat first of all second i dont bhop on bruss how u see that u see that 1 jump idc and profesionel first of all never saw u on bruss even once and u are shiting that someone is cheating and stop looking on 6 yrs old all why u dont look on some newer accs cuz uk am not cheater that i was cheater before in csgo and now u heals ur complex cuz idk for me looks like u are stupid and ye am not that stupid to get ban on acc that i spend 60+ euros uk this is stupid to type to ppls who thinks that they are everytime right idc what u think about me
Re: Protest a ban
Запомни сынок!Лучшим тебе никогда не быть!Лучший! Никогда не кому не скажет что он лучший.Он просто грамотно это докажет.А ты обычный маленький балабол!!И на этом думаю наш деолог окончен.
Re: Protest a ban
Если брать демку с гоксом то я хз за что ты его забанил. я такое проделывыю обычно на зиги на 2 дасте.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:17 pm
Listen, Danaez, you're stupid. You banned me permanently on my account because of a cheat, and on my father's profile you banned me for teamkilling. Why didn't you ban me permanently there, but for 4 hours? I couldn't have my computer on my dad's because he doesn't have a single cheat ban on his account. You yourself admitted that you recognized the style of the game, which means that you didn't ban me for the cheat, but because I'm a better player than you. I didn't know that you are the owner bruss, so I have to play by your rules, I thought it was Durka, but it seems that I was mistaken. I am asking you to ban me on my dad's profile for a permanent cheat as well because I cannot play on my profile and to know that neither me nor dad can play bruss anymore.
Re: Protest a ban
Тебя походу и на форуме надо в бан бы за такие ники!Я смотрю вас тут много не прыгающих.Вот только одного не успел забанить.Тимон 47.Да он не прыгает!Он сука летает как ХОН ГИЛЬ ДОН!!!
- dURka[iT2]
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Re: Protest a ban
Данаез, внесу ясность, если ты забыл. Вак-бан стима не является причиной незамедлительного бана на этом сервере. Банят за читы, использованные на этом сервере и только. Стим-бан дня нас только для того, чтобы пристально приглядеться к игроку и только!
Гока разбаниваю, тебе косяк.
Данаез я тебе уже писал в админской... будь аккуратнее с банами.
Гока разбаниваю, тебе косяк.
Данаез я тебе уже писал в админской... будь аккуратнее с банами.